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Group of Endurance GB

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Group Pleasure Rides


All Pleasure/Training Rides held by the Northumberland & Tyneside group should be entered by post. You do not need to be a member to enter a Pleasure Ride. The schedule and entry form for each ride is available to download from the relevant ride page on this website. 


National Rides

All National rides can be entered either by post using an official entry form, or online through the main Endurance GB website. 

Try Before You Buy Scheme

If you are a not a member of EGB then you may enter a Pleasure Ride or you can register with the TBYB scheme, which allows you to enter two Graded Endurance Rides at novice level (maximum 40km distance). 

General Points Regarding Entering a Ride

  • If entering by post, individual forms must be completed for each horse. Entries should be sent with a SAE to the Ride Entries Secretary listed for that ride. It is important to ensure that your SAE has sufficient postage and that it is of at least A5 size (162mm x 229mm).
  • An entry, whether made online or by post cannot be made until after the ride opening date. If there is no opening date stipulated, then entries may be made as soon as you wish.
  • If you enter after the Ride Close Date then you MUST pay an additional £10 late entry fee (unless it is a Pleasure Ride)! You also run the risk of your entry not being accepted if the ride is full!
